Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas in Big Spring

You can tell I took this from my car window! But I wanted everyone to see the lighted poinsettias that decorate Big Spring. They are everywhere! Big Spring is the "Lighted Poinsettia Capital of...(the world? Texas? The Permian Basin? I really can't remember, but I am not kidding on this. It was printed in the paper recently.) We all have enjoyed the Christmas lights and if you want to make a few bucks, learn how to weld these and put them on a website. Here they cost $100 sm, $150 med., and $300 lg!
I hope Santa was good to all of you! Merry Christmas!!!


Meredith said...

Wait...didn't you take welding in high school? I distinctly remember a welded angel - You should be going into business!

Anonymous said...

I faintly remember this too. Wow, Meredith...good memory.