Thursday, July 5, 2007

Morris Update

Well, what can I say. If you haven't already heard, I have been experiencing a string of bad luck. We have our health, so who can complain.

Well, I can complain! We recently moved to Big Spring. It feels great to be back in dry air know, less frizz in the hair and the laundry doesn't mildew quite so badly if it sits for a little while in the washer (mommy needs a little time for herself on myspace.) Oh, and the people are really friendly. Everyone has a tatoo, so I'm feeling a little left out, but I'm thinking of putting "Marc" or "Marc's chick" on my left shoulder pretty soon so that I can fit in. Kidding. But here's the kicker, our house flooded a few days after we moved in. We went to visit some friends for the evening and we'd been having some problems with the ole potty. That little floater deal that tells the water when to stop seemed to have a malfunction. So, everytime you "went" you had to remember to turn the water on (fill the tank) then off (when the tank was full.) Well, being the blonde that I am, I didn't remember step 2. You can't expect me to remember these kind of things. No really, in my defense, I made sure that the water had quit running, but I didn't turn it off. Yadda, yadda, yadda, we got home and our house was flooded. We attempted to pull up the carpet and suck out the water ourselves, at which point I stepped barefooted onto the nail tack strip, but eventually realized that our efforts were useless. In fact, it seems that the water we were sucking up and dumping in the shower was beginning to back up and out of the other toilet. Meanwhile, I had developed tetenus. Not really. But we did have to call in the experts. I don't have photos, but I did make a video, of the 17 blowers and 3 dehumidifiers we had going. This kind of thing costs about $3000 in case you are curious or happen to even still be reading this. I couldn't even turn on the coffee maker without blowing a circuit. So, we tiptoed around our dark and extremely loud house for 4 days. I felt like I was on an airplane. I slept on the floor, which isn't so easy at this age I have discovered. But eventually we were declared dry! And yes, we have an insurance claim that will hopefully go through. And we're good friends with the plumber. And if you ever need a good blow dry, I can hook you up.

The bad luck continues. So, last night we went to see some friends for the fourth, and my friend notices that there is no longer a diamond in my wedding band. It's all pathetic and prongy looking. NO I DID NOT INSURE MY DIAMOND. Like, who insures there wedding ring? I don't want someone to replace it; I want MY diamond. The one that all the vowes were said over, the one that went to me on our honeymoon. The one that I managed to wear through both pregnacies despite measureable water retention and potential loss of finger. Let me move on here.

Did I mention that the septic system backed up again? Could I just use the restroom in peace?

So, I decide today (Marc's and my 9th anniversary, yay us!) that I need a makeover. You see, we are headed to Marc's 15th reunion tomorrow in Andrews and I want to look hot. You know, 30 year-old hot, if that's such a thing. Perhaps I should have realized that my luck being as such, it's not really the best time to roll the dice on a new hairdresser and/or style. Long story short, I have a West Texas hairdo. She even ratted it out for me and put on some extra hairspray. Just in time for the Andrews Class of '92 reunion.

I have some other funny things I could the fact that Marc and I tried to have an anniversary meal out this evening with two kids (disaster...Conrad screaming, "Chicken French Fries," for the entire time until the seemingly very slow meal was delivered. Margarita take me away.)

Really, things are fine. The kids are a blast. It's going so quickly.

I so enjoyed the Poling reunion and hope we make it a tradition. Maybe Conradical will eventually be declared disciplined enough to attend (and Marc, too.)

I love summer...Carly made this on Paint:



Poling Family Updates said...

Ok, so I'm picturing you showing up at Marc's reunion with poofy early 90's hair, a bandaged club foot, a diamond-less ring, and a subtle stench of sewage...and maybe a little tipsy from so many margaritas - and I'm sure with all of that you would still look HOT!

Poling Family Updates said...

This is Meredith by the way :)