Sunday, May 25, 2008

We've had a busy spring with lots of parties and performances. This is a picture of Carly last night at her recital. She did well! She always has a way of finding center stage. The theme of the recital was "Fire." It was appropriate, since everything in Big Spring has either caught fire or exploded this year. Walt can relate all too well, I guess. Maybe if Robert or Wendy will teach me how to post a video, I can post one of her performances.
Conrad is doing well and is finally pulling out of the terrible two's. This is our last week of school and we're ready to get a break from teenagers! But -- Marc will do summer basketball camp for little kids, and I'll be working for a couple more weeks on summer school and transcripts. No big summer plans. We hope to go to the cousins' reunion; it all depends on TAKS retest. There is a chance that I will be District Test Coordinator next year and I'll have to do summer testing for the kids that failed (life would be so simple if everyone would just pass!) Even so, surely I'll be able to make the reunion...and maybe I'll let Conrad come this year since he is being a nice boy. I guess I better start saving up for the gasoline (isn't it CRAZY?????)
Take care, everyone!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Carly really takes after her mommy--SO beautiful! I love her red nails and big smile.