Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pharoah, Pharoah

This is a picture of Wendy buying me a tie for Christmas. She had to fly all the way to London to shop at Harrod's for me, but hey, I'm worth it.

Actually, I'm stepping up in my challenge to post something on the blog and this was the funniest picture I had. I took a picture of the flowers I planted but they just didn't look very flashy. It took me two whole days, I'm sore all over and I got two strange insect bites on my wrist. A lot of work for very little flash!

Funny stories about Mother - One time she washed and dried an adult wool sweater and it came out of the dryer about the size of a baby size one. She just kept holding it up and laughing. She wasn't upset - just thought it was funny. I like to remember her laughing.

Love to you all! Linda


Wendla said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I am the official poster child for jet lag! Hmmmmm, I'd better go search my old photos..... Wendy

Monica said...

Way to go on your first blog, Mom! Will you come plant flowers at my house now?

Wendy said...

It took me a while, but I remember that green wool sweater!