Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving in Ft. Worth

The Linda Poling clan had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving in Ft. Worth this year. Jeff did a crab boil in the freezing weather, while Mom prepared lots of yummy sides and desserts. Carly and Conrad entertained us all. I've been instructed by Carly to take her American Girl wish list directly to Santa. The list kept getting longer as the day progressed! Conrad is going to be the smartest kid in our family, as proven by him telling us, "That's not funny!" He's already observed that his mom, grandmother, and aunt all have an odd sense of humor.

It was an interesting end to our day with SNOW! Just as we were all dozing off, mom announced it was snowing. Sure enough, there were great big flakes falling from the sky. Only in Texas can it go from 80 degrees one day to snow the next. Anyway, we had a great Thanksgiving together and wish everyone of the Poling peeps could have joined us!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Monica for posting the tribute to our fun day!

Wendla said...

Did you have to play any dumb games? Wendy