Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Robert Poling house....

was rather unorthodox this year. You see, Genny was diagnosed with swine flu the day before Thanksgiving. So Thanksgiving Day consisted of taking care of our very sick Genny as she barfed and watched the Macy's parade and several episodes of Dora the Explorer.
The highlight was when she consented to eat some plain pasta and drink some sprite and watch funny cat videos on YouTube. (this was while Robert was eating a lovely Thanksgiving meal with Audrey at his mom's house.... )
Here's Genny's favorite cat video right now. It's fun.

Audrey didn't get sick until Saturday. She's better now.

There was snow. Since our assignment was to include something funny that someone said, I've put this picture in here. Genny got up Monday morning to snow and yelled at me (accusingly) "MOMMY, WHAT HAPPENED?"

We're ready for Christmas!